Design and preparation
of illustrations for the book and blog
Future of Criminal Law
of illustrations for the book and blog
Future of Criminal Law
The subject of the graduation project was to create a visual identification of blog, including the preparation of illustrations, and finally – the preparing of book publication. Blog is devoted to issues bordering on philosophy, law and technology, and has popular science character. It is based on observations of the changing world of technology and its possible impact on criminal law. Illustrations beside the aesthetic enrichment of the text were intended to give meaning to complex structures of thought, and thus – to help the reader to understand it. Blog has been designed in a minimalist way, so that the recipient's attention focused on the content and illustration, which beyond the question of aesthetic enrichment, gived new fields to interpretation.
In a wider perspective, this project was to draw attention to the role of illustration in scientific publications, and develop a model of cooperation between artist with a scientist.
In a wider perspective, this project was to draw attention to the role of illustration in scientific publications, and develop a model of cooperation between artist with a scientist.
When the car is killing. Criminal liability in the era of autonomous cars
Przedmiotem pracy dyplomowej było stworzenie identyfikacji wizualnej bloga, w tym przygotowanie ilustracji do pojawiających się na nim tekstów, oraz finalnie – opracowanie publikacji książkowej. Blog poświęcony jest zagadnieniom z pogranicza filozofii, prawa i technologii oraz ma charakter popularno-naukowy. Opiera się na obserwacjach zmieniającego się świata technologii i jego możliwego wpływu na prawo karne. Ilustracje obok estetycznego wzbogacenia tekstu miały za zadanie oddać sens skomplikowanych konstrukcji myślowych, a tym samym – pomóc czytelnikowi go zrozumieć. Blog został zaprojektowany w minimalistyczny sposób, tak aby uwaga odbiorcy skupiała się na treści i na ilustracji, która poza kwestią estetyczną wzbogaca ją, dając nowe pola do interpretacja. W szerszej perspektywie projekt ten miał zwrócić uwagę na rolę ilustracji w publikacjach naukowych oraz wypracować model współpracy
artysty z naukowcem.
artysty z naukowcem.
30 for 30 essays
30 for 30 essays
Legal ban of the use of Facebook
1,000 years of prison completed in one day
Robots in the Prison Service
Is flogging the future of criminal justice?
When the car is killing. Criminal liability in the era of autonomous cars
Can fingerprint of lawyer replace the work of a postman? About the delivery of shipments in courts
Bionic eye and criminal law. The legal effect of the development of artificial organs
The end of an era of pickpockets. New technologies in the fight with common theft
Prisons on Mars
Google Glass as a way of punishing criminals
Drones in the service of evil
Speech recognition technology in the fight against false alarms bomb
Electronic surveillance – the light at the end of the tunnel of technological backwardness
Should lengthening of human life affect on the length of prison sentences?
About the need to ensure the Internet connection in prisons
Steering of unconscious body of another person
Is punishable by criminal law a purposeful procreation deaf child?
Delusion of security as a purpose to introduce new regulations
Anonymization in the age of Google
Responsibility for the words of robots
Technological development and the time spent in prison
Asimov's law of robotics
Manipulation in memories
The lack of possibility of expungement
Punishments for robots
Legal protection of hybrids of animals and robots
Predictions of crimes
Criminal law implications of reversibility of brain death
Transplant of the head as an attempt to release from criminal responsibility
16-th June 2016, Poznań International Fair Ltd (MTP)
16-th June 2016, Poznań International Fair Ltd (MTP)