Posters Collection – 2023
Hommage to the Mexican music
75 years of the Educational Film Studio
Save The Planet
Child and War
Responsibility and Comfort
I Love Bardejov
80 years of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
Act For Animals
Tree and Me
Don't Waste Food
39th Chicago Latino Film Festival
Information Noise
Water is Life
Tribute to Grzegorz Marszalek
Responsibility and Comfort
Cracow the City of the Wawel Dragon
Responsibility and Comfort
Barirani's 100th Birthday – 2023
Merry Christmas from Cracow
What is Jazz?
Hotline with Parents
Don't Steal Intellectual Property
The Power of Youth
International Meetings of Wind Orchestras 'Alte Kameraden'
Thank you! 👀
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